Committee reports 2022
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Our activities were severely curtailed by Covid 19 restriction throughout the year and in most cases, direct contact with charity organisations was not possible. Our major fundraiser, the Annual Golf Day had to be postponed, however a few notable accomplishments were still attained:
· Foundation:
o August 3, 2021: Rotarian Gavin Raulston gave good insight into the Rotary Foundation and the possibilities for our club. Since its inception in 1917, Foundation has spent more than $4 billion on life-changing and sustainable projects and fulfil the key objectives of Rotary. Several of our members (Centurions) directly support Foundation with annual contributions of $100 and the club gives $1000 each year.
· Community Northern Beaches:
o On Aug 23,2021; Coles vouchers totalling a value of $2,150 were donated to Community Northern Beaches which will assist in 3 key areas:
§ Women’s’ shelter
§ Victims of domestic violence
§ Homeless peoples on the Northern Beaches.
· Return & Earn project/ReCycle for Rotary: StreetWork
o The promotion and logistics of this environmentally friendly project (thanks to Bev Yarich’s drive and enthusiasm) was agreed and N B Council agreed to donate 10 large wheelie bins for use as collection points.
o StreetWork was presented with $3,000 in Feb 2022 from the 10cents refund on bottles and cans collected over many months at RAT Park and NRMA Caravan Park at Narrabeen. StreetWork is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation that focuses on prevention and early intervention strategies for ‘at risk’ youth (aged 12- 18 years). Each session (costing about $50) between a mentor and a vulnerable young person and supports them overcome their unique challenges, set some life goals and help turn their life around.
o A further $1,000 from the project will be donated in July 2022.
· Lifeline Northern Beaches Conselling and Support for Seniors
o There has been an increase in social isolation – particularly during Covid, and higher rates of suicide for males in their late 80s
o In conjunction with Lifeline Northern Beaches, the club is providing funding for a program with key areas that will address the challenges and barriers that contribute to social isolation. It provides support to individuals who are 60+ years, creating a safe place to share experiences and coping strategies with a focus on wellbeing and coping with late transitional changes, grief & loss.
· Flood Relief Appeal
o Following the lead of the District Governor who set up a fund in early 2022 for the Northern Rivers floods, $2.000 of club funds was donated to this appeal.
o Tuesday, March 8; an exceptional, sustained heavy rain burst and thunderstorm struck over the Northern Beaches and extensive flood damage resulted - our Northern Beaches needed help in addition to the developing worsening flood situation along towns the Nepean/ Hawkesbury River Valley.
o A small working group was set up to see if we could now help closer to home. A flurry of emails, texts and phone calls transpired and once permission to have a collection in Stockland Mall at Balgowlah was given - displays, materials and equipment were quickly assembled for our stall on Saturday March 11 & Sunday March 12. Almost $4,000 was raised and the funds were directly distributed to Hawkesbury/Nepean Rotary Appeal, Lifeline NB and One Meal Northern Beaches.
o Rotary Australia World Community Services (RAWCS) links local clubs to overseas Rotary clubs with approved, supervised and well managed projects. The Ukraine Assistance Project was donated $1,000 by the club.
· Youth Night
o Two students, who were sponsored by the club - Lola Merewether and Alexandra Popovic, from Mackellar Girls campus attended the RYPEN camp held via ZOOM over two busy days. They outlined to our members and guests many of the activities that they did at RYPEN (Rotary Youth Program of Enlightenment).
· Heartbreak in the Himalayas
o At a combined meeting of the Rotary and Rotaract clubs in Sydney’s Northern Beaches: a highly informative and totally moving presentation was given by Dr Ray Hodgson. Dr Ray is an Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. He is a specialist genecology surgeon and obstetrician and is based in Port Macquarie and has visited Nepal in this professional capacity multiple times over many years.
o Having Dr Ray speak to a combined meeting of NB clubs was initiated by Sue Terry who first saw his moving presentation on Nepal at the District Assembly ZOOM meeting last year.
o Dr Ray outlined that Nepal; especially in the mountainous remote areas, has an alarmingly high incidence of Maternal Mortality compared to many other countries. Most people in the mountainous rural areas deliver their babies at home - with very little medical support or expertise available.Nepal also has the highest incidence of genital prolapse in any country.
o Next step is the establishment of working group of Northern Beaches Rotary Clubs to collect funds towards building a dedicated hospital for mothers and babies. A special purpose facility with modern reliable equipment, training facilities and a blood bank located in Dholakia. (North-Eastern Nepal).
· Rotaract on the Northern Beaches
o The urgent need to assist Rotaract forming a viable club on the Northern Beaches was presented by Sam Wilkins on May 17, 2022. Follow up with TAFE and Lifeline with awareness and promotion of membership will be a key Youth objective in 2023.
· Awards 2022
o Each year the Rotary Club of Balgowlah, awards members of the local community for the work they have done in promoting and exhibiting high levels of commitment in the areas of Community Service and Vocation.
o A total of 9 awards for 2022 were presented - two (2) Youth Awards to younger people nominated by their school; then two (2) Small Business Awards, two (2) Pride of Workmanship Awards and three (3) Community Awards to round out a night thoroughly enjoyed by Awardees and attendees alike. Rotary Balgowlah have been holding award evenings for almost 40 years, although in 2021 it was cancelled due to Covid restrictions and lock downs.
· Arranounbai
o On June 7, 2022; Principal Stephanie Hopkins gave us an update on the school, the progress in several significant areas and future plans to modernise parts of the facilities and improve the environmental suitability for its students.
o On June 24, 2022, Channel 7 breakfast program Sunrise, had the live cross to Arranounbai school in Frenchs Forest. In addition to students, staff, and families, Arranounbai principal, Stephanie kindly extended the invitation to Rotary Balgowlah members to also be present since the club has given support to the school for many years. In one segment, Stephanie thanked Rotary for the new Gomier bikes (which were demonstrated by a student) and then the club fundraising activities were outlined by Lindy Myers.
· Dalwood Spilstead
o Over the years we have supported Kerry Gwynn and her amazing work with two projects:
o Child’s Play - Launched in Feb 2004 to support the needs of the Dalwood Splistead Service for vulnerable families, a part time Speech pathologist and a second Clinical psychology position have been funded by the club (along with other benefactors). $1,500 is allocated for 2022
o Young and Needy - the supply of funds to support needy families with uniforms, equipment, excursions and similar out of pocket expenses. Kerry pays for this initially then is reimbursed by the club.
· One Meal
o One Meal is a 100 percent volunteer-based food relief charity from premises in Brookvale and provides a delivery program providing fresh fruit and veggie hampers, pre-cooked hot or frozen meals, meat, bread pantry staples and personal care packs to people referred by local service agencies and community agencies. One Meal also offer a free community dinner on at Gilbert Park, Manly on Sunday evenings and Beverly Job Park, Narraweena on Thursday afternoons.
o In 2023 a volunteer program staffed by club volunteers driving their cars to deliver meals and food packs to the homes of needy clients will be instigated.
· Manus Island: Soccer as a driver of vaccination
- PNG has 3 % vax rate, ranking amongst world’s worst.
o Manly Rotary and our club each donated $3,000 to support Wantaim PNG Soccer vacs project. The annual soccer tournament in one local government area attracts over 30 teams (700 players).
o The Manus Soccer Association requires all players to be vaccinated (i.e., our interests are aligned)
o Delivering COVID messaging during player registration - with the same take up rate – would deliver Manus’ goal of 13,600 vaccinated by end 2022
· St Jude’s school in Tanzania
o The club annually contributes to this Rotary sponsored school $660.00 towards repairs and maintenance of the school bus fleet.
Thank you to all the Services committee - their initiative, efforts and persistence has made so much happen and be achieved in 2022. I wish Roger Gray every success in leading this key group in 2023 and will offer my support and assistance wherever possible.
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